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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fire Exit vs. Fire Sepation Doors

I just posted a comment elsewhere about a question of fire doors.  I find this topic very frustrating since there is a consistent language ambiguity which confuses the issue and hence the public including building operators.

A fire separtion door is labelled on the door and frame or at least was when installed.  The label includes a time this wall, frame, door and hardware is designed to hold a fire back on the other side. The testing is more complex but imagine a single sheet of paper taped to one side.  A closed latched door should keep the paper from burning even from just heat for that period of time. And to be honest, by the time the paper does burn a person on the other side of the same door is dead from smoke exposure.

Different doors have different separation values.  Where I live, a 20 minute door is needed from a residential living suite in an apartment block going into the hallways.  The staircase doors must be 45 minutes of separation.  There are also walls and doors rated higher.

The other type of door is a fire exit which is about getting the people out of the building and out alive.  Many doors are both but one which is NOT a fire separation door is that from the building to the exterior.  This door may require an exit device for people to exit but the door and hardware is not fire rated for separation.

Back to the language, I try to call these two types of doors by distinct names.   A 'fire door' means a fire exit in some contexts and a fire separation door in others and can be both at the same time.  I would like people to start calling one group as fire separation doors and the other as fire exit doors. Also, when you say it is a separation door, give the time as rated.*  I firmly think this will move building operators and junior contractors to know the difference.  To repeat, stop saying 'fire door'.

Or perhaps I am crazy.  You tell me.

* I once saw a 20 minute door in a 45 minute frame. Given the location, the 45 made more sense but all I could do was suggest the building operator check on this. I know he would not do so even at the time.

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Laux Myth ... Thoughts From a Locksmith
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