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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Coaching those who dials safes

I was called to a job site to change the combination of a safe lock and found the new operator of this container* did not usually dial safes. It took some time to get him back doing it smoothly. As is often the case, I would rather teach him good dialing technique than have his coworker try to pass on her instructions. (In this case she was the person giving up custody of the contents and it is so much easier if you know the code.) If I do stand around hearing one person try to teach the next, I sometimes want to pull my hair out since they have learned it from some other coworker in some long game of 'telephone'.

Later, that same day I had the chance to reflect on the word coach instead of teach. As a teacher, I know how people react when you tell them you will teach them anything. This is doubly true of adults. You teach people things they do not know when you know it all. Or so the emotional tone of the word works. It may be true but building that defensive wall does not help the communication.

I have taken to describe what I do as coaching. When you coach, you start by saying the person knows some or most of what they need to do and you are there only to improve their skills. Granted, sometimes I am the little league coach and there are 'few' skills there when I start. This can be best as there are no bad habits to clear out. More often, the operator knows everything needed to dial the safe except for one small point. Also, once you say you are coaching you can explain why you are getting in a bit close to see the dial as they spin. I challenge you to try this and see how people react to 'coaching' and yet the rest of what you have to say is all the same.

* I find it funny that safe techs will use just the word container for any kind of locked box at all. It can be 50 lbs or 20 kg of steel with a 'modest' lock. However, it could also be 6000 lbs or 2400 kg of steel, concrete and other stuff with multiple high end locks. Either way it is just a container.

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Laux Myth ... Thoughts From a Locksmith
By MartinB, Found @

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