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Sunday, April 18, 2010


Well, made it to San Diego for the big SAVTA (Safe and Vault Techicians Association) conference. Met a few other safe guys over some beer and supper but most of it starts tomorrow. I had most of the day to myself and got all the way to Mexico. Literally. I stood in the States and took pictures of the border crossing.

I find the process of learning the trade interesting. Some of this stuff is a big secret and yet no organization with a large number of people keeps a secret well in the long term. And yet, try to search the internet for the drill points to defeat the door on some particular model of safe and you generally will fail. (I have tried and there is little out there to find and I think I have reasonably good research skills.)

Will I tell you everything I see and hear? No. I am thinking most will be boring anyways. I am hoping to make this conference into at least a few posts.

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